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Cambridge Advanced Modeller 2


Using ASM for process modelling

Many process modelling tools are based on standard notations such as UML and BPMN. Those notations have many benefits including their comprehensive, standards-compliant and implementation-independent nature. However, we have found that they are often too 'verbose' and heavyweight, leading to models which are physically large and difficult to read. This can be problematic when modelling large, complex, semi-structured processes comprising 100s or 1000s of activities.

The key attributes of ASM are

  • Intuitive graphical notation: A diagrammatic representation allows ASM models to be readily understood by individuals unfamiliar with the approach, thereby facilitating the elicitation of process knowledge from domain experts and the validation of models.
  • Complex definition: The ASM provides a large number of descriptive elements to support the development of precise models and aid in their interpretation.
  • Multiple hierarchical structures: Product development processes in industry are typically extremely complex. The hierarchical structures provided by the ASM framework support representation of such processes by allowing the development and manipulation of very large models.
  • Flexible representation of dynamic behaviour: Process variables, task selection policies and rework management policies allow a wide range of behaviours to be modelled using the ASM simulation.

This tutorial describes