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Cambridge Advanced Modeller 2

Cambridge Advanced Modeller (CAM) is a software tool for modelling and analysing the dependencies and change flows in complex systems - such as products, processes and organisations. For practitioners, it has been a response to the needs of industry in providing a systematic way of capturing and analysing multiple levels of complexity. CAM provides a means to achieve this goal by introducing several toolboxes.

For academia, CAM can be a valuable resource of modelling and analyzing tools, a diagrammer, a simulation tool, and a DSM tool, that incorporates knowledge comes from previous industrial applications with the novel modelling approaches. It is free for research, teaching and evaluation. We only require that you cite our work if you use CAM in support of published work. Commercial evaluation is allowed and is subject to non-onerous conditions.

Toolboxes in CAM provide several modelling notations and analysis methods. CAM can be configured to develop new modelling notations by specifying the types of element and connection allowed. A modular architecture allows new functionality, such as simulation codes, to be added


Process Modelling

Simulating process behaviour in information-driven processes

Dependency Modelling

Modelling and analysing dependencies in products, processes and systems

Change Modelling

Predicting change propagation in products, processes and system

Visual Analytics

Interactive and touch-screen capable visualisation toolkit for managing multidimensional engineering design data


A New Release of the CAM software with a new interface is coming soon!

Previous releases

20 May 2014 - Major improvement in functionality of toolboxes

23 July 2012 - New features added and various bugs fixed

16 Feb 2012 - New major features added

20 Sep 2011 - New features added

04 Mar 2011 - New features added and efficiency improved

17 Jan 2011 - New functionality added

14 Dec 2010 - New functionality added

28 Oct 2010 - Usability improved and various bugs fixed

09 Aug 2010 - ASM simulation bugs fixed

21 July 2010 - Stability improved and general bugs fixed

14 May 2010 - Functionality added and efficiency improved