Standard DSM algorithms are included for automatically reorganising a DSM, or partial DSM, to highlight or discover structural characteristics. These are:
- Partitioning - uses loop searching algorithm to find an ordering such that as many marks as possible are below the leading diagonal, and the 'size' of feedback loops is minimised. This may correspond to an 'optimal ordering' of a process.
- Clustering - Automatically groups the matrix (or cluster) into strongly-connected sub-clusters.
- Banding - Groups subsequent elements in a cluster if they can be attempted concurrently.
- Flatten cluster - Ungroups or flatten the cluster already created.
The algorithms are available by selecting the appropriate tool in the 'DSM algorithms' band on the 'DSM Analysis' tab, then clicking the matrix or specific cluster where the algorithm will be applied.
Apply algorithm. You can also apply the algorithms on the matrix in a separate pop-up window using the 'Apply algorithm' button in the 'DSM algorithms' band on the 'DSM Analysis' tab. This allows the user to try different algorithms on the selected matrix before updating or saving the matrix with the changes.
Structural profiling. Analyses the structural characteristics of a DSM. More details can be found here.